Digital Drawing - December 2018

I'm finally having a go at another of the 'Kick In The Creatives' Challenges. It has been a crazy year, but here's to capping it off with a bit of digital sketching every day.

My plan is to 'force' myself to find enough time every day for a quick sketch with a view to :
1) get more comfortable with digital sketching (I'm using Artrage)
2) Take some time every day to slow down and focus on a drawing, regardless of how many other things may be yelling for my attention.

I'm going to just draw whatever I have at hand and that I fancy to draw that day. No rhyme. No reason. And I will post whenever I find the time to do so, expecting things to be rather random around here.


  1. Great challenge. I find digital fun and frustrating at the same time. Always takes longer than pen and ink. Have fun! These are super sketches.


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